It's really cool to see how car colors have evolved and how there are so many different options to choose from to get a unique look on your car. Candy colors give a really deep color and shine, while flakes give a shimmering effect and cameleon colors shift in different colors depending on the angle of the light. It's really a fun and creative hobby to experiment with different effects and colors to get a personal look on your car.
Candy colors really give a cool effect to the car! To achieve the right effect, start by applying a gold, silver or other color as a base layer. Then you can layer the Candy color as a transparent layer on top of the base color to create the desired color shift. The more layers of Candy color you apply, the more intense the effect.
If you want to use flakes to give your car an extra effect, it is recommended to mix them into either 1k or 2k clearcoat. There are flakes in different roughnesses, so it is important to choose the right one to get the desired effect. The coarser the flakes, the greater the effect on the surface. Be sure to read the product information to select the right product for your project.